Monday 9 March 2015

Sleep Deprivation Craziness

Ok, so today's a new day and, as promised here is thy next post. So here's the story;

Last night I only got 4 hours of sleep which is great because I got to watch really bad movies but bad because when I get minimum sleep I go into what I like to call hyper-drive. This means that instead of being the walking dead, I was like Spongebob dosed up on laughing gas. Now, don't get me wrong this is great for me (in some ways) but for my friends, well let's just say that if I'm Spongebob normally well, you get the idea, I'm more then enough for anyone to handle.

So anyways, I get into school whilst singing 'Popular' from Wicked (if you haven't seen, see it, it's sooo good) and I start talking to my friend (lets call her Kate) and Kate writes for the school magazine and when I came in acting all dramatic, dancing around & singing to random 3rd years who happened to walk by, then I go to my locker and Kate strut over and the general conversation went something like this;

Kate: Hey Charls, why you so happy, it's scary?

Me: Hm? Oh, it could be because I'm in hypo-drive

Kate: So, how many hours sleep then?

Me : 4 hours

Kate: So why are you happy if you're sleep deprived?

Me: It's just my coping system. I think that when I get really tired my body tricks itself or it's like some hormonal imbalance and I just get really hyper. Don't worry though I'll probably be a complete downer tomor- we're making pizza in Home Ec. PIZZA!!!!


So what does this have to do with geography I hear you ask? (considering that I have to do this and link it to Geography)

  1. School is where people are taught geography.
  2. School is built on land = geography
  3. My locker is situated outside a geography classroom = geography
  4. At the end of this list there is a couple of facts about sleep deprivation and the statistics of sleep deprivation = geography
  5. National Geographic talks about sleep depivation so it must be at least a little geographical
  6. Magazines are printed all over the world = geographical
  7. Paper from magazines is made from trees, trees come from the planet = geography
  8. SpongeBob, even though it's fictional, lives under the sea and the sea is studied in geography.

According to WebMD here are 10 results of Excessive Sleepiness;

  1. Sleepiness causes accidents - kind of obvious if you ask me but hey you could be sleep deprived which leads us to;
  2. Sleep loss makes you more stupid - so if you're already stupid you're gonna be stupider so try to spare us all and get enough sleep so we don't have to explain where your sixth finger has gone.
  3. Can lead to serious health problems - I won't try to lighten up the mood with this one but basically if you're a teen, young adult, middle aged, old, try to spare your loved  ones unnecessary heart break by cutting your life short JUST SLEEP
  4.  Lack of sleep kills sex drive - well you know what they say about teens and raging hormones so I think this one speaks for itself.
  5. Sleepiness is just down right saddening - I know if I'm tired (excessively tired) I pretty much don't have a sense of humour. Or any emotions for that matter.
  6. If y'all want to stay young and B-E-A-U-Ti-Ful then y'all want your sleep. They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing.
  7. If your forgetful when you've had a full nights sleep well you probably won't remember who you are let alone what y'all should be doin'.
  8. If you want to be skinny then sleep. Cause if you don't your gonna gain weight.
  9. Again if you want to live longer, sleep more. personally that sounds like a fair trade sleep for more life. (mmm... sleep)
  10. Finally. (Excessive) Lack of sleep can impair your judgement. So worst case scenario of impaired person = a sleep deprived drunk druggie trying to drive a Bugatti Veyron that has been lent to him by his boss for work purposes. That ladies and gents is what my life dream is.
So until next post folks.