Friday 27 February 2015

My Introduction to the School of Weird

Hello, my name is Charlotte and I'm doing this blog for my environmental studies class. Basically I'm doing this so I don't fail and also I will admit I'm really curious to see if I can do this and not suck at it.

So, what's my blog about I hear you ask? Well, it's about all the weird things I notice at school and if you've been to school, you know what I'm talking about. Ever notice the conversations going on around you and been thinking, "Is it an inside joke or are they just mentally insane?" Personally I think it's good ol' fashioned insanity but then we're all a bit weird aren't we.

Well I've made my intro and will leave thee to ponder thy blog and feel free to comment about your own weird experiences or observations I could always use a good laugh and so could the others who will read this blog. Anyways enjoy.